describe EXCUSE_3 Claims you can be removed from the list
body EXCUSE_4 /To Be Removed,? Please/i
describe EXCUSE_4 Claims you can be removed from the list
# strange pattern because otherwise it matches the std. majordomo line
# pls note the comment above. DO NOT just put "to" in the first group!
body EXCUSE_6 /\b(?:wish to|click to) remove yourself/i
describe EXCUSE_6 Claims you can be removed from the list
body EXCUSE_7 /you (?:wish|want|would like|desire) to be removed/i
describe EXCUSE_7 Claims you can be removed from the list
body EXCUSE_10 /if you (?:(?:want|wish|care|prefer) not to |do ?n[o']t (?:want|wish|care) to )(?:be contacted again|receive (?:any ?)?(?:more|future|further)\b.{1,10}\b(?:e?-?mail|message|offer|solicitation)s?|be included)/i
describe EXCUSE_10 "if you do not wish to receive any more"
body EXCUSE_11 /you.{0,15}(?:name|mail).{0,15}(?:was|were|our).{0,15}list/i
describe EXCUSE_11 Claims you were on a list
body EXCUSE_12 /this (?:e?-?mail|message) (?:(?:has )?reached|was sent to) you in error/i
describe EXCUSE_12 Nobody's perfect
body EXCUSE_13 /mail was sent to you because\b/i
describe EXCUSE_13 Gives an excuse for why message was sent
body EXCUSE_14 /you (?:do not|no longer) wish to receive/i
describe EXCUSE_14 Tells you how to stop further spam
body EXCUSE_15 /this\s*(?:e?-?mail|message)? (?:is|was) (?:not|never) (?:spam|(?:sent )?unsolicited)/i
describe EXCUSE_15 Claims to be legitimate email
body EXCUSE_16 /received this.{1,10}in error/i
describe EXCUSE_16 I wonder how many emails they sent in error...
body EXCUSE_18 /we do not (?:spam|send unsolicited)/i
describe EXCUSE_18 Claims not to be spam
body EXCUSE_19 /because (?:you're|you (?:are )?)(?:registered|.{0,20}\bopt.{0,3}in)/i
describe EXCUSE_19 Claims you opted-in or registered
body EXCUSE_20 /you registered at one of our/i
describe EXCUSE_20 Claims you registered at their site
body EXCUSE_21 /your e.?mail address was obtained/i
describe EXCUSE_21 Claims your address was obtained legitimately
body EXCUSE_22 /you are receiving this special offer/i
describe EXCUSE_22 Claims you're receiving this offer for a reason
body EXCUSE_23 /you have provided permission/i
describe EXCUSE_23 Claims you have provided permission
body EXCUSE_24 /you(?:'ve|'re| have| are)? receiv(?:e|ed|ing) this (?:advertisement|offer|special|recurring|paid).{0,16}\b(?:by either|because)/i
describe EXCUSE_24 Claims you received an ad because you wanted it
body EXCUSE_REMOVE /to be removed from.{0,20}(?:mailings|offers)/i
describe EXCUSE_REMOVE Talks about how to be removed from mailings
# jm: keep this case-sensitive, otherwise it FP's
describe VIAGRA Plugs Viagra
body NATURAL_VIAGRA /\bnatural viagra\b/i
describe NATURAL_VIAGRA Plugs "Natural Viagra"
# NB: Made it also match "Herbal V" - a viagra alternative
body HERBAL_VIAGRA /\bherbal v(?:iagra)?\b/i
describe HERBAL_VIAGRA Plugs "Herbal Viagra"
body TARGETED /\btargeted (?:traffic|e-?mail|internet|leads?)\b/i
body TONER /\b(?:toner|ink(?:[-\s]*jet)?|fax|copier)[-\s]+cartridge/i
describe TONER Contains "Toner Cartridge"
body YOUR_INCOME /\byour income\b/i
describe YOUR_INCOME Doing something with my income
body BE_AMAZED /\bbe amazed\b/i
describe BE_AMAZED Apparently, you'll be amazed
body RESISTANCE_IS_FUTILE /Replying to this email will not unsubscribe you./i
describe RESISTANCE_IS_FUTILE Resistance to this spam is futile
# contrib: thelton /at/
body GREAT_OFFER /\b(?:offer expires|see full offer for details|great offer)/i
describe GREAT_OFFER Trying to offer you something
body SUBJ_2_CREDIT /subject to credit approval/i
describe SUBJ_2_CREDIT Contains 'subject to credit approval'
body URGENT_BIZ /urgent.{0,16}(?:assistance|business|buy|confidential|notice|proposal)/i
describe URGENT_BIZ Contains urgent matter
body EARN_PER_WEEK /\b(?:earn|make).{1,20}\d\d\d+.{1,30}(?:per week|per month|weekly|monthly)/i
describe EARN_PER_WEEK Contains 'earn $something per week'
# contrib: Wayne A Tucker
body PENNIES_A_DAY /for (?:just|only) pennies a day/i
describe PENNIES_A_DAY Contains 'for only pennies a day'
body FOR_JUST_SOME_AMT /for (?:just|only) \$?\d+\.?\d*[^\.]*!/i
describe FOR_JUST_SOME_AMT Contains 'for only' some amount of cash
# suggestion following Jason Haar
body READ_TO_END /read this (?:e-?mail )?to the end/i
describe READ_TO_END You'd better read all of this spam!
body ALL_NATURAL /\b(?:100%|completely|totally|all) natural/i
describe ALL_NATURAL Spam is 100% natural?!
body MONEY_BACK /money back guarantee/i
describe MONEY_BACK Money back guarantee
body NO_CATCH /there is no catch/i
describe NO_CATCH There is no catch
body NO_OBLIGATION /no obligation/i
describe NO_OBLIGATION There is no obligation
body NO_DISAPPOINTMENT /You won'?t be diss?app?ointed/i
describe NO_DISAPPOINTMENT You won't be "disappointed"
body SERIOUS_ONLY /Serious [IE]nquiries Only/i
describe SERIOUS_ONLY Serious Enquiries Only
body RISK_FREE /\b(?:risk[ -]free|no[ -]risk)/i
describe RISK_FREE Risk free. Suuurreeee....
# "seen on TV", "seen on ABC/NBC/etc", "seen on XYZ TV", or
# "seen on:"
body AS_SEEN_ON /seen on\b\s*(?:TV|ABC|NBC|CBS|CNN|Oprah|USA Today|48 Hours|New York Times|\w+\s+TV|:)/i
describe AS_SEEN_ON As seen on national TV!
body NOT_INTENDED /not intended for residents (?:of|in)\b/i
describe NOT_INTENDED Not intended for residents of somewhere or other
# This phrase appears in many pyramid scheme mails in which
# "My Wife Jody" testimonials are absent
body COPY_ACCURATELY /copy.{1,10}name.{1,10}address.{1,10}ACCURATELY\b/i
describe COPY_ACCURATELY Common pyramid scheme phrase (1)
body SEE_FOR_YOURSELF /See (?:for|it) yourself\b/i
describe SEE_FOR_YOURSELF See for yourself
body ORDER_NOW /\border (?:now|soon|fast|quickly|while)\b/i
describe ORDER_NOW Encourages you to waste no time in ordering
## Contrib: Marc Perkel
body OFFSHORE_SCAM /\boffshore\b.{0,20}(?:credit card|companies|account|financ|websites?)/i
describe OFFSHORE_SCAM Off Shore Scams
body VACATION_SCAM /\b(?:free|mini-?|dream|special).{0,10}vacation|vacation (?:offer|promotion|package|for two|getaway)/i
describe VACATION_SCAM Vacation Offers
body WHY_PAY_MORE /\bwhy pay more\b/i
describe WHY_PAY_MORE Why Pay More?
body CONGRATULATIONS /\bcongratulations! you/i
describe CONGRATULATIONS Congratulations - you've been scammed?
# do not add "new" since there's non-spam about "new cell phone numbers"
# separated into two rules since one seems to have a lot of
# sourceforge list advertisement false positives
body FREE_CELL_PHONE /\b(?-i:F)ree\b.{0,24}(?:cell(?:ular)?|mobile).{0,4}phones?/i
describe FREE_CELL_PHONE Talks about free mobile phones
body FREE_LEADS /\bfree leads\b/i
describe FREE_LEADS Free Leads
body RECEIVE_EMAIL /receive third party email/i
describe RECEIVE_EMAIL Receive third party email
# similar to OFFER, but fewer FPs
body RECEIVE_OFFER /receive special offer/i
describe RECEIVE_OFFER Receive a special offer
body OFFER /\b(?:free|special|trial) offer/i
describe OFFER Free Offer
body FREE_QUOTE /\bfree quote/i
describe FREE_QUOTE Free Quote
body FREE_QUOTE_INSTANT /free.{0,12}(?:(?:instant|express|online|no.?obligation).{0,4})+.{0,32}\bquote/i
describe FREE_QUOTE_INSTANT Free express or no-obligation quote
body FREE_DVD /\bfree dvd/i
describe FREE_DVD Free DVD
body FREE_INVESTMENT /\bfree investment/i
describe FREE_INVESTMENT Free Investment
body FREE_TRIAL /\bfree trial\b/i
describe FREE_TRIAL Free Trial
body FREE_MEMBERSHIP /\bfree membership/i
describe FREE_MEMBERSHIP Free Membership
body FREE_WEBSITE /\bfree website/i
describe FREE_WEBSITE Free Website
body CREDIT_CARD /\bcredit card.{1,10}(?:offer|debt|decision)/i
describe CREDIT_CARD Credit Card Offers
body NO_CREDIT_CHECK /\bno credit check\b/i
describe NO_CREDIT_CHECK No Credit Check
body BANKRUPTCY /\b(?:avoid|past) bankruptcy\b/i
describe BANKRUPTCY Avoid Bankruptcy
body CREDIT_BUREAU /\ball .{0,9}credit bureaus?\b/i
describe CREDIT_BUREAU Credit Bureaus
body ACCEPT_CREDIT_CARDS /\b(?:accept\b|are accepting).{1,15}credit cards?\b/i
describe ACCEPT_CREDIT_CARDS Accept Credit Cards
body BAD_CREDIT /\b(?:bad|poor|no\b|eliminate|repair|(?:re)?establish|damag).{0,10} (?:credit|debt)\b/i
describe BAD_CREDIT Eliminate Bad Credit
body UNSECURED_CREDIT /\bunsecured.{0,10}(?:master ?card|visa|credit|loans|debt)\b/i
describe UNSECURED_CREDIT Unsecured Credit/Debt
body LOW_INTEREST /\blow.{0,20} interest rates?\b/i
describe LOW_INTEREST Lower Interest Rates
body COMPARE_RATES /\bcompare .{0,9}rates?\b/i
describe COMPARE_RATES Compare Rates
body SAVE_UP_TO /\b(?-i:S)ave up to\b/i
describe SAVE_UP_TO Save Up To
body LOW_PAYMENT /\b(?:reduce|low).{0,12} payment/i
describe LOW_PAYMENT Lower Monthly Payment
body CONSOLIDATE_DEBT /(?:consolidate .{0,9} (?:debt|credit|bills)|debt[ -]?(?:consolidation|elimination))/i
describe CONSOLIDATE_DEBT Consolidate debt, credit, or bills
body CREDITORS_CALLING /\bcreditors calling\b/i
describe CREDITORS_CALLING Calling Creditors
body REFINANCE_YOUR_HOME /\brefinance your(?: current)? (?:home|house)\b/i
describe REFINANCE_YOUR_HOME Home refinancing
body REFINANCE_NOW /time to refinance|refinanc\w{1,3}\b.{0,16}\bnow\b/i
describe REFINANCE_NOW Home refinancing
body SEARCH_ENGINE_PROMO /\b(?:(?:submitt?|list)(?:ed|ing|s)?|place(?:d|ment))\b.{1,30}\b(?:in|to)[\s_-]+.{0,30}\b(?:search(?:ing)?\s*(?:engine|site)|director(?:y|ie))s?\b/is
body DO_IT_TODAY /\b(?:join|register|order|apply) .{0,10}(?-i:T)oday\b/i
describe DO_IT_TODAY Do it Today
body WHY_WAIT /\b(?:why wait|what are you waiting for)\b/i
describe WHY_WAIT What are you waiting for
body SUPPLIES_LIMITED /\bsupplies are limited\b/i
describe SUPPLIES_LIMITED Supplies are Limited
body SECRET_RECORD /\bsecretly record/i
describe SECRET_RECORD Secretly Recorded
body USE_IDENTITY /someone using your identity/i
describe USE_IDENTITY Someone using your identity
body YOU_CAN_SEARCH /you can search for anyone/i
describe YOU_CAN_SEARCH You can search for anyone
body FIND_ANYTHING /\bfind out anything\b/i
describe FIND_ANYTHING Find out anything
body SEDUCTION /\b(?:seduc|attract).{0,8} (?:ebook|opposite sex|women)\b/i
describe SEDUCTION Score with babes!
body INVALUABLE_MARKETING /invaluable marketing information/i
describe INVALUABLE_MARKETING Invaluable marketing information
body MARKET_SOLUTION /\bmarket.{0,9} solution/i
describe MARKET_SOLUTION Marketing Solutions
body MARKETING /\bdirect marketing\b/i
describe MARKETING Direct Marketing
body SAVE_MONEY /\bsave .{0,9}(?:money|thousands|millions|up to)\b/i
describe SAVE_MONEY Save big money
body GUARANTEED_STUFF /\bguarantee.{0,15}(?:income|money|monthly)\b/i
describe GUARANTEED_STUFF Guaranteed Stuff
body INCOME /\badditional income\b/i
describe INCOME Additional Income
body EARNINGS /\b(?:potential (?:earnings|income)|income potential)\b/i
describe EARNINGS Potential Earnings
body THE_BEST_RATE /\bthe best rate/i
describe THE_BEST_RATE The best Rates
body WE_PROMISE_YOU /\bwe promise .{0,9}you/i
describe WE_PROMISE_YOU Promise you ...!
body AMAZING_STUFF /\bamazing (?:product|rates)/i
describe AMAZING_STUFF Amazing Stuff
body CASH_BONUS /\bcash bonus\b/i
describe CASH_BONUS Cash Bonus
body SHOPPING_SPREE /\bshopping spree\b/i
describe SHOPPING_SPREE Shopping Spree
body FANTASTIC /\bfantastic {0,9}(?:price|deal|saving)/i
describe FANTASTIC Fantastic Deal
body CENTS_ON_DOLLAR /\bcents on the dollar\b/i
describe CENTS_ON_DOLLAR Cents on the Dollar
# seems like we vastly reduce FPs on this one with a small change or two
body DIET /\b(?:(?:without|no) (?:exercis(?:e|ing)|dieting)|weight.?loss|(?:extra|lose|lost|losing).{0,10}(?:pounds|weight|inches|lbs)|burn.{1,10}fat)\b/i
describe DIET Lose Weight Spam
body LONG_DISTANCE /\b(?:Unlimited|per minute|free).{1,9}Long Distance/i
describe LONG_DISTANCE Long Distance Phone Offer
body REVERSE_AGING /\breverses? aging\b/i
describe REVERSE_AGING Reverses Aging
body HAIR_LOSS /\b(?:thinn?ing|restore|grow|new) hair|\bhair loss/i
describe HAIR_LOSS Cures Baldness
body CABLE_CONVERTER /\bcable (?:converter|descrambler)/i
describe CABLE_CONVERTER Cable Converter
body LUXURY_CAR /\bluxury car\b/i
describe LUXURY_CAR Luxury Car
body WRINKLES /\bwrinkle reduction\b/i
describe WRINKLES Removes Wrinkles
body BUY_JUDGEMENTS /\b(?:purchase|collect|divorce)\b.{0,30}\bjudgements\b/i
body EARN_MONEY /\b(?:earn|make|making|made|received?|discounted)\s+(?:up\s+to|as\s+much\s+as|over|at\s+least|a\s+full)?\s*\$\s*[0-9,]{2}/i
describe EARN_MONEY Message talks about earning money
body OBSCURED_EMAIL /^\w+\^\S+\(\w{2,3}\b/m
describe OBSCURED_EMAIL Message seems to contain obscured email address (rot13)
body OUR_AFFILIATE_PARTNERS /our affiliate partners/i
describe OUR_AFFILIATE_PARTNERS Mentions their affiliate partners
body OUR_COMPENSATION /our (?:full )?compensation/i
describe OUR_COMPENSATION Mentions their full compensation
body OUR_OVERWHELMING_GROWTH /our overwhelming growth/i
describe OUR_OVERWHELMING_GROWTH Mentions their overwhelming growth
body OUR_STRICT_ANTI /our strict anti/i
describe OUR_STRICT_ANTI Mentions their strict antipathy on something
body OUR_PUBLICATIONS /our website (?:and|or) publications/i
describe OUR_PUBLICATIONS Mentions their website and/or publications
body OUR_PRIVACY_POLICY /our privacy policy can be found/i
describe OUR_PRIVACY_POLICY Mentions where their privacy policy is
body CELL_PHONE_BOOST /\b(?:(?:boost|antenna|reception).{0,16}(?:cell|mobile|phone|cord.?less)|(?:cell|mobile|phone|cord.?less).{0,16}(?:boost|antenna|reception))/i
describe CELL_PHONE_BOOST Talks about cell-phone signal improvement
body OFFERS_ETC /\b(?:(?:wish|want|unsub|reward|receive|recurring|remove|permission|partner|further|future|e.?mail|continue|click).{0,64}){2}.{0,8}(?:special|offer|coupon|discount)s?\b/i
describe OFFERS_ETC Stop with the offers, coupons, discounts etc!
body BANG_BOSS /\bboss!/i
describe BANG_BOSS Talks about your boss with an exclamation!
body BANG_EXERCISE /\bexercis(?:e|er|es)!/i
describe BANG_EXERCISE Talks about exercise with an exclamation!
body BANG_MONEY /\bmoney!/i
describe BANG_MONEY Talks about money with an exclamation!
body BANG_MORE /\b(?-i:M)ore!/i
describe BANG_MORE Talks about more with an exclamation!
body BANG_OPRAH /\boprah!/i
describe BANG_OPRAH Talks about Oprah with an exclamation!
body BANG_QUOTE /\b(?-i:Q)uotes?\!/i
describe BANG_QUOTE Talks about quotes with an exclamation!
body INTL_DRIVERS_LICENSE /international driver'?s license/i
describe INTL_DRIVERS_LICENSE International driving license
body ACT_NOW_CAPS /A(?i:ct) N(?i:ow)/
describe ACT_NOW_CAPS Talks about 'acting now' with capitals
body START_NOW_CAPS /S(?i:tart now)/
describe START_NOW_CAPS Talks about 'starting now' with capitals
body WORRY_FREE /worry free/i
describe WORRY_FREE No Worries, Mate
body EXPERTS_SHOW_HOW /experts show you how/i
describe EXPERTS_SHOW_HOW Talks about 'experts' showing you how
body ENHANCE_WEBSITE /E(?i:nhance any) W(?i:ebsite)/
describe ENHANCE_WEBSITE Talks about 'enhancing any website'
body INCREASE_SEX /increased?.{0,9}(?:sex|stamina)/i
describe INCREASE_SEX Talks about a bigger drive for sex
body BANG_GUARANTEE /\bguaranteed?\!/i
describe BANG_GUARANTEE Something is emphatically guaranteed
# seems to be inserted with s1618 rules VERY heavily
body WE_HATE_SPAM2 /\banti-spam policy\b/i
describe WE_HATE_SPAM2 Mailer is against spam -- aren't we all?
# similar to SAVE_UP_TO and SAVE_MONEY, but a little more generic
body UP_TO_OR_MORES /up to \S+(?: \S+)? or more/i
describe UP_TO_OR_MORES Has generic 'up to X or more' noise
body VERB_UP_TO_OR_MORES /\b(?:add|lose|make|save) up to \S+(?: \S+)? or more/i
describe VERB_UP_TO_OR_MORES Has 'add/lose/make/save up to X or more' noise